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Floor Plan and 3D Model Generation using Smartphone Camera - Android App

The problem that we address in this project is 2D floor plan and three dimensional model generation. The goal is to be able to capture images of various indoor scenes as input to a smartphone application and output useful and interesting representations of these scenes to the user. We are able to construct and display panoramic images, three dimensional models, and 2D floor plans of physical spaces using images taken with a smartphone. The resulting images are more unique representations of scenes that a user can get additional meaningful information from. Consumer applications on the Android and iPhone markets such as Photosynth among others have gained popularity in recent years, which shows that there is a fair amount of interest in this topic. The reduced need of complex hardware systems for capturing necessary information is both promising and exciting for the development of interesting applications in the future for smartphones and other mobile devices.

Applications like these have potential uses in fields like real estate, where accessible 2D floor plans and visualizations produced by a seller can make the property seeking process easier and influence the decision of interested buyers. Additionally, larger-scale versions of projects like this one have exciting possibilities such as creating plans for an entire city using smartphones and crowdsourcing. Similar applications could even make use of scene and floor plan information for mobile robot localization and navigation.

Presentation - Download

Report - Download

Android Code - Github

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